Sunday, February 10, 2013


1. I just did some laundry, wiped out the microwave with a sponge, and thoroughly cleaned the fridge. I'm feeling quite accomplished in the domestic department.

2. My son has been talking nonstop for the last two hours. Topics of the day include Angry Birds, iPad drawing programs, and robots. It's gratifying and amusing. And tiring. Occasionally I duck into the bathroom for a break.

3. I went to the symphony last night with a friend. We had wine and dinner at her place and then hopped a cab to the orchestra hall. It was beautiful: the music, the lighting and the way the space shaped the sound. It was also kind of challenging. I haven't been to the symphony in years; It was fun to try something outside my normal weekend activities (which are basically sleeping, eating, and working out).

4. I'm doing a three-stage trail race in April! It's the War at Windrock near Knoxville, TN. It starts with a four-mile run in the morning, a longer uphill run in the afternoon, and a 20-miler the next day.
I'm excited. Also slightly terrified. My trail running experience is very limited, though that will be changing as I train.

5. In today's New York Times, there's an article by a guy who divides his work into three 90-minute blocks. He's apparently very efficient and gets more done this way than by working all day long. Starting tomorrow, I'm going to try it: three 90-minute blocks for the manuscript I'm working on, and then the rest of the day devoted to stuff like answering email, planning upcoming research trips, and other less mentally taxing activities.

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